Monday, August 13, 2007

I just had the bike powder coated and I just got it back together ,all this a week before we head off to do the 18 hrs on the farm, so I got to take it out to give it a shake down to make sure everything is everything. I'm kind of nervous about this one more so than Lodi because at Lodi we were begginers and this time we are doing sport so the comp will be much harder i'm sure. I am the old man of the group which will consist of James from Black Dog bikes, Big John who was our anchor for Lodi and our newest is a young fella who is only 20, Heath. I think we will do well and have some fun I hope I just hope I can pull my own weight.... I know I will give it my best..


SAMBO said...

Looks very nice Joe. Nice and shiny. I like the decals too.

MRussell said...


Team SVA will do great. Represent.

gwadzilla said...

not sure if 41 allows you to call yourself old...

there are so many guys older than us
riding faster than us

you are just barely middle age